
Who do I work with?

Who do I work with?

I work with intelligent, successful people who want to establish a lifestyle that better reflects their passion, personal voice, creativity and deepest values. My clients come from many walks of life--engineers, sculptors, scientists, university professors, entrepreneurs, chefs, industrial designers, healers.

People who I work with often express one of the following feelings when they come to see me:

  • They are no longer passionate about their current career and want to establish a livelihood that provides new opportunities for exploration and growth.
  • They like their current career situation but would like to build their confidence, commitment and vision to take things to the next level.
  • They would like to change their lives, but feel confused and doubtful as to what direction to take.
  • They have been working at a good, reliable job but have lost touch with their sense of fun—or what it feels like to work at something that they are enthusiastic about and enjoy.
  • They realize that their spirituality is becoming increasing important and would like to bring it more fully into their lives.


John, business consultant
I found Ryan to very practical and insightful. He helped me to take steps that had an immediate impact on my consulting business. Although I came to Ryan because I was feeling stressed and dissatisfied with my career situation, I discovered that what was really bothering me was that I was not appreciating the rest of my life. My conversations with Ryan made me do a complete 180-degree turn on how I viewed being a father and led me to see it as one of my greatest strengths. I have gone to other coaches and trainers and I think the power of Ryan’s approach is that it brings forward things that you don't realize that you care so deeply about. I can’t recommend him highly enough.


Becky, real estate agent
As soon as I began talking to Ryan I realized that I was in the presence of someone special. I was able to say things and express myself in a way that I had never been able to before. Over the course of six months I was able to completely free myself what had felt like a hopeless, dead end situation.


Paul, engineer/musician
I was one of those people who wouldn’t be caught dead seeing a life coach. But I had a friend who kept talking about Ryan so I went into see him for a free intro session. (I mostly just wanted to shut up my friend!) After one session with Ryan I felt wonderfully energized and saw that I was really ready for a change in my life. Over the next eight months I worked with Ryan and found a new sense of energy and confidence in my life. I now see now how the “happenstance” stuff works—when you stop complaining and start getting out into the world in new ways all sorts of “lucky” things start to happen.


Sheila, graphic designer/artist
Ryan is a supportive, patient and an awesome coach. You can tell he really cares about the people he works with. Something I really appreciate is how you can talk to him on so many different levels and he gets them all. One minute we might be talking about a spiritual insight I had, and the next about steps I can take to develop my portfolio as a designer. I also like how he understands creative people and what the path of the artist is about. He has helped me to see how to celebrate my creative voice in all things, and do this in a way that empowers my success instead of seeing it as a limitation. I especially recommend Ryan to artists, writers and other creators.


Beth, university department manager
I found working with Ryan to be fun and quite helpful. He is warm, insightful and has a great sense of humor. He is genuinely interested in people and his curiosity helped me to see my situation with fresh appreciation. It is really a gift to have someone like Ryan on your side.


Ken, doctoral student
Seeing Ryan was without doubt the best investment I have ever made! I went to see him because I was feeling stuck in a job that was not right for me and not sure of what way to do. Ryan helped me to work on things from two sides. First he had me start to explore things that I had always wanted to try, like taking a writing class and signing up for Tai Chi. The other way he helped me was in taking weekly “action” steps, such as talking to people, researching different industries and attending training events. Over time these two sides came together and I found that I had entirely different expectations of what I wanted. It then became obvious what I wanted to do and it was easy to take steps to make it happen.


Kelly, social entrepreneur/writer
When I began working with Ryan last spring, I felt like my life was basically OK but I was kind of in a rut and not as alive I should be. When I walked into his office—which looks more like an art gallery than a counseling office—I knew something surprising was in store. Ryan is an amazing listener. He has a powerful spiritual vibe without being overly touchy-feely or preachy. The entire time you are in his room you feel like the very best of you is being fed. It really helped me to get out of my current muddle and see things with a clarity and enthusiasm that I had forgotten about. It also gave me the confidence to make some major changes regarding my career (ones that I had been afraid to make for the last 7 years).


Allen, university professor
I saw Ryan because I had gone through a divorce and found that I had settled into a dark time in my life. It was hard to admit that I needed help to get out of my funk, so it was with some trepidation that I set up my first appointment. Thankfully, all of my reservations were quickly dispelled. Ryan was supportive, unfailingly positive, and just wouldn’t allow me to stay mired in the darkness. Every time I left his office the world literally looked brighter and larger. Over the coming months I came to see the next chapter in my life as a chance for new experiences, and I feel more joyful and enthusiastic than I have in years. I also have rediscovered my spiritual core, which has been dormant since late childhood. For those who are thinking of seeing Ryan, you can feel assured that your time with him will be well spent and result in a richer life.


Laura, small business owner
I was feeling stuck in my current career and thinking about forming a business. A friend recommended I talk to Ryan. I was reluctant, because after looking at his site it looked like it might be a little "newagey" for me. When I met with Ryan I found that he was very sharp, understood my situation right away and had great practical advice that got me taking action after our first meeting. What I really came to appreciate was how Ryan’s support got me to not sell myself short and to go after what I really wanted.